Hundreds of motorcyclists “rode for life” July 5th, 2023 The “RemeRiders,” along with hundreds of other motorcyclists from clubs, associations, and riding groups, once again showcased their social conscience by “RIDING FOR LIFE.” The 4th charity ride organized by REMEDICA on Sunday, July 4th, was a resounding success, with motorcyclists from across Cyprus embracing the event and sending the message that we are all united in the fight against cancer. This year’s event raised funds to support the “Alkinoos Artemiou” Foundation, which supports children with blood and oncological diseases. In his speech, the Chief Executive Officer of Remedica Group, Dr. Michalis Neoptolemou, referred to the riders of hope and thanked them for once again for their loyalty to the sacred cause. Speeches were given by Artemios Artemiou, President of the “Alkinoos Artemiou” Foundation, Andreas Vyras, Mayor of Larnaca, and Christos Andreou, Police Spokesperson. The event was also attended by MPs, party representatives, and the public.